Sunday 27 March 2011

Brooke Magnanti sets a bad example to vulnerable young women.

I have written this blog to tell the story of my girlfriend a Bioscience student who it would appear has copied Brooke Magnanti’s example.

There will only be one post here.

I think we all know more than enough about Brookes story, so there is nothing to add here, except that its obvious the press and public appear to find it entertaining. I do not.

After a period of illness I had financial problems, and my 22 year old girlfriend a Bioscience student was feeling the pinch. She also had quite a few personality issues, vulnerabilities etc. I had a deep affection and sometimes a lot more for her, but she had a problem dealing with those kind of emotions. I was pretty amazed to find that she had decided to solve her financial problems in March of 2010 by becoming a call girl. I was blown away. At first I thought it was just a windup, so I played along making jokes till it soon become clear that she was serious.

My reaction was outraged like that of any man, but after cooling down I realized there was very little in reality I could do. She was opting for a method of agency work which was not illegal.  If i stayed with her, I would have been at risk for ending up in jail myself, as I would have tried to protect her if anything untoward occurred in this underworld.

I would also have been the first to be singled out as complicit if anything happened to her just by association. Now studying biosciences myself after getting out of a lot of trouble I did not fancy getting dragged down with this. Then there was the disease aspect. I already had the fear of God in me after 2 STD results due to her previous promiscuity.  There was no way I could deal with this new situation. I told her she had to make a decision between me and that life, and it would be clear cut, end off relationship. Being headstrong like Brooke you can predict what happened.

My girlfriend, who I will call J, left a page open on my web tabs, which I found was her adult agency ad. She had a French phrase as her name, but I presumed that this was because we had been to France the previous year and she had learned French. It just clicked recently it is very likely J had carried out a copycat of Brooke Magnanti. There are lot of similarities. They look similar, have similar careers, motivations, background stories and a similar sounding French cover phrase for their adult work.

Most telling of all is that J sent me an email in August 2010 with an article on Brooke Magnanti. This was her defense seemingly. I pointed out amongst other things that Magnanti had a troubled background which led to her activities, and her route will likely ruin her chances of a long term research in the refined society of science. The rest of it is a tabloid circus that Brooke will probably regret 10 years from now. I can’t say I was polite about this at all, and have not had any reply from J since that. I think she expected I would be blown over by the success of Brooke. To me it is a very sad story of failure and a very messed up personality.

I cannot prove what I say here is true for obvious reasons. So it’s not really important if I can verify this. What is important is that it is clearly obvious sponsoring Brooke is not a good idea at all.  The press and TV have sensationalized and made good of this story, with complete disregard for the signals this sends out to other young women with similar problems of dysfunction in their family background.  

I hope your comments will reflect this. I cant say for sure that my girlfriend copied Brooke. Like Brooke she has become quickly adept at being economical with the truth, so i do not know if she is being honest when pressed on what influenced her.  J does for sure appear highly encouraged by all the positive feedback Brooke receives in replies to press articles.

For every person like Brooke who makes good, there will be many copycats who do not. What will happen to them. Drugs, trouble, STD’s are far more likely outcomes.

We really should not be sending out signals of approval about this. I am quite taken aback that we have.  

My writing is not as eloquent as Brookes, so I guess that is all I have to say.

Thanks for your time.

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